Helene reminded me, not so kindly, that I needed to move some yarn and fiber out.
My house, my studio, and my person are fine, but my outbuildings on lower land had both flooding and rain damage to parts of the roofs. So everything unharmed moved into my house. The atmosphere is claustrophobic and I'd like to have my space back.
A lot of it is archival, and looking back I can't say why I kept it. At one time I taught a cotton spinning class that had a sample box of every kind of cotton in every kind of preparation that was available, somewhere close to 40 samples. It included Peruvian colored cotton and much, much more. I thought at one time that I would make up more boxes and sell them, but you can see that never happened. It's not going to happen now, either. There is also some striped sliver with the reclaimed denim.
Then there are the fine hemp and hemp blend yarns, There is only one plied yarn, the others are singles. Use them for weft, knitting, or plying. The yarn that is already plied would make beautiful coverlets. They are on mill cones, approximately 3 pounds, and as is.
- As items sell out, they will be removed. So if you are looking for something mentioned above and can't find it, it's gone.
- I will continue to add items, especially sliver
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